Dear Coby,
It is your birthday! Welcome to the world, little guy... we have been anxiously awaiting your arrival! The story of your birth is a crazy one, I hope you enjoy it...
Yesterday, 11/24/10, I woke up feeling strange. You were not moving very much and that worried me. I told Daddy that I was worried and he said that it was probably normal so late in a pregnancy for the baby to be more still. You see, you usually did "morning exercises" when I woke up each day, and you did not do them that morning. I took out the heartbeat monitor that I had bought earlier in my pregnancy, and I heard your heartbeat. That reassured me, but I was still worried. I had a routine doctor visit scheduled for later that morning, so I just went early.
When I got to the doctor, they sent me for an ultrasound to check out your kidneys. Normally, the ultrasound technician talks me through the whole ultrasound, but this time she was very quiet. She went out of the room to get the doctor. I was very scared by now! When the doctor came in, she explained that you had no amniotic fluid left and had to be born as soon as possible because you were shrinking! She said that we could try an induction, but might have to have a c-section if you were in any distress. She told me to drive right to the hospital, not to even go home first!
Around 11 am, I called Daddy, but he had Ari at our house so he had to wait to come to the hospital because kids were not allowed in Labor and Delivery. Baba took the train from Boston to Stamford to help Daddy. Soon Daddy, Baba, and then Nana came to the hospital. I was just resting and I was very nervous, scared, and excited all at once! Soon, Baba had to go back home.
The doctors gave me different medications to try and put me into labor. Laurie and Sue came to visit for a little while. The doctors kept telling us that we would not be having you that night because I was not very far in the labor. I was so hungry because I had not eaten since Tuesday night! They would only let me have an italian ice around 10 pm because my sugar was low. Around 11:30 that night, Nana and I were watching the video my wedding when the doctor came in and said that you were having trouble with the labor. Your heart rate kept dropping whenever I had a contraction. She told us that we would be having a c-section. Daddy asked her when it would be scheduled and she said, "In about 15 minutes." We were all a bit surprised! They quickly started getting me ready to move into the operating room!
The nurse told Daddy to wait out in the hall while they gave me the spinal to numb me. There must have been a problem with your heart rate, because they started rushing around and were asking where Daddy was. I started to get very sick because the medication made my blood pressure too low. Daddy finally came in and they had already started the c-section! I said, "Where is the camera?" and he had it in his hand in the case. I told him to get it out fast because I wanted a picture of you as soon as you were born. Before he could get out the camera, you were born! They rushed you over to the warming table and there were people all around you. The doctor told us that you were having some trouble breathing. I have never been so scared in my life! Finally, we heard you cry after what seemed like hours! "Congratulations!" everyone said to us... We finally asked what your gender was and they were all surprised that we didn't know you were a boy! I was shocked that you were a boy because everyone thought you were a girl! We never really even talked about boy names...
Daddy went to look at you and he said that you looked just like me! He said, "He looks like a Jacob." and I told him that was your name; I had already made your birth announcement. He asked me what your middle name was and I told him, "Gabriel." We did not tell anyone your name until your bris though.
After they took you to the NICU, I had to go to the recovery room for a while. Daddy and Nana got to go see you. They told me that you were very tiny, only 5 pounds and 15 ounces! You were 19 inches long and so adorable. I couldn't wait to go meet you! Finally, about an hour or so later, the nurse told me she would drive me by the NICU to meet you. I was so excited!
You were the tiniest baby that I had ever held! I kept saying, "He is so small." over and over again. I kissed your tiny head, and touched your little nose. You were so soft and delicate. I loved you before I had even met you, but now that I met you I knew that I would love you forever and always. When they brought me to my room, I missed you already.
I love you always and forever,